Try Even When You Think You Can’t

Sometimes when we’re learning something new, we may take a cautious approach. Other times, we may overwhelm ourselves with all of the particulars of how to do something, and end up deciding against even trying at all.

For Brenda, this has often been the case. However, she chose to approach this last week differently. She decided she would go out in pursuit of practice, rather than focusing on the result. This gave her a chance to take some of the pressure off of herself, and to try the things she thought probably wouldn’t turn out.

After racing the sunset to capture the glow of the golden hour, Brenda decided to spend a little extra time outside. The skies were clear, and the moon glowed brightly. Her friend took pictures of the moon as he tested out his new phone, and to their surprise, the pictures mildly resemebled the moon. In a moment of “f*ck it, why not?”, Brenda pulled out her camera, and went for the 300mm focal length. To her surprise, she was able to capture some of the details of the moon.

Had Brenda shied away, she would’ve missed out on discovering a new interest: taking pictures that are out of this world—we mean…lunar photography.

So the next time you think you’re not experienced enough to try something*, why not give it a shot? You’ll likely find yourself with an opportunity for improvement, or you might even surprise yourself much like Brenda did.

*within reason of safety and respect for others, places, things, etc…please practice responsibly


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