Never Outgrow Imagination
As children we play, create and imagine. Our minds are free to tell tales, and we live out these stories. But as we get older and approach adulthood, we’re taught to make rational decisions, and to be more “realistic”. We begin to assume responsibilities. We work, run errands, clean, plan, cook, and so on. Many of us may find it difficult to find the time to let our imagination run rampant, and that’s if we event think to consider it. Over time, we become consumed by being “an adult”. The grind of working and being self-sufficient wears us down, and we experience burnout.
So, how do we avoid burnout?
It is incredibly important we give time to the things that bring us joy. No matter how little time we may be able to spare, there is always time to let loose and be silly. Life doesn’t always have to be serious. If we let loose for even a few minutes, we might be able to find joy and laughter. Maybe it’s in dancing while doing the dishes, being the weirdo who jams out at the traffic light, or pretending pine cones along hiking trails are grenades. It doesn’t have to be specific, let go of the impulse to “act normal”, and be a kid for a moment.
What kinds of micro adventures could you go on if you explored your own imagination?
We weren’t kidding about pine cone grenades.
If you’re feeling confused about what a pine cone grenade is, check out the demonstration.